Saturday 30 January 2016

Review: Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry Devil May Cry by Sherrilyn Kenyon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

this was definitely a good read. Sherrilyn once again captured me in her world where i fell in love with the story and it captivated me a lot.
Sin and Katra, you guys were just the best characters, vulnerable, sweet and good and interesting to read about. i could continue but would take me forever to finish listing your wonderful traits.
All in all I loved the book and it was a good read. I just serioulsy hope that What's his name...oh ..Kessar dies a painful death in the next book. how dare he form an allegiance with Stryker...he better die.
Heck, these novels are making me vengeful much huh?
I wish I could read more of the Baby Sin and katra are having and Artemis' reaction. Would have been fun
Good Good book.
Loved it and a whooping five stars for it.
Onto the next book!!!!

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