Saturday, 30 January 2016

Review: Wild Child

Wild Child Wild Child by Molly O'Keefe
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC for an honest review;

17316490I try very much not to be lured by covers, especially since most books have amazing covers. Usually I try to focus on the excerpt plus the cover and the author. A good combination of those items makes one great book… however for this book it is the cover that lured me into wanting to read it.

Maybe judging a book by its cover is worth it sometimes as it was so the case with wild child.

Molly O’Keefe has written a good story set in a small town struggling to maintain its prosperity. It is in this town we meet the mayor, Mr. Jackson Davies. As the youngest mayor he feels it is his duty to make sure everything is alright and plans to enter into a contest in order to bring the economic situation of the town back to the better days.

As the contests starts, we soon meet the wild child, Monica. She is an author who to say the least has led a wild life, starting from her mother killing her father all the way to groupies she led and to falling in love.

When the two meet it is an instant attraction, well at least this is what the author tried to tell the readers but somehow it lacked conviction. Just a bit. All I’m saying is that yes, they were attracted to each other and yes, the sex scenes were good but I wanted more out of the two.A bit more chemistry maybe?

I’m not disappointed in this book, it was a good read though with the title i expected for our heroine still be the wild child she was back then…

3 stars.

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