Saturday, 30 January 2016

Review: Styxx

Styxx Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The state I was in whilst reading this book is just not easy for me to explain…but in general it gave me shivers down my spine and a smile and tears and I felt the pain and happiness. In one word or rather two words simply amazing.
Styxx’s book was not what I had expected and I’m sure this is not my thoughts only but to all fans of Sherrilyn’s dark hunter series. From all the previous books and what little I could gather about this guy, I knew he was trouble and I did not like him but after getting my hands on the copy of this book all I can say is wow! Sherrilyn sure did surprise me; I did not see that coming.
It was an emotional rollercoaster to finally see the world through the famous twin of Acheron and what a colored world it was.
Simply I loved about everything in this book; it kept me glued until the end.
The writing was simply amazing and the author’s voice was very good. I know one thing is do not judge a person if you do not know them…
As for the love story between Bet’anya or known as Bethany and our prince Styxx, it was just splendid. It felt all real even if lies colored it at first but in the end all was good.
And Urian, I have had a silly crush on that man for the longest time and I think it is very justifiable for it to be finally revealed who he really is…so sweet too.
And now I just cannot wait for the next book, please let it be about Savitar. It is about time we get all the juicy details on this mysterious chthonian.

View all my reviews

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