My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Out of all the mysterious boarders who call Sanctuary home, no one is more antisocial or withdrawn than Maxis Drago. But then, it’s hard to blend in with the modern world when you have a fifty foot wingspan.
Centuries ago, he was cursed by an enemy who swore to see him fall. An enemy who took everything from him and left him forever secluded.
But Fate is a bitch, with a wicked sense of humor. And when she throws old enemies together and threatens the wife he thought had died centuries ago, he comes back with a vengeance. Modern day New Orleans has become a battleground for the oldest of evils. And two dragons will hold the line, or go down in flames.
Right now I have a huge smile plastered on my lips. You know the feeling when you are reading a good book and you want to get to the end so you can satisfy your curiosity about how everything ends but at the same time you do not want it to end?.
Well, that was me during the reading of this whole book.
Another book by Ms. Kenyon that I am in love with and honestly did not want to end. it was just so beautiful...very very beautiful.
"I went to war to practice for marriage"
the words they say. In short this is Sherrilyn and you can never be i disappointed. I have never been disappointed in any book she has ever written and I am happy she is among the few authors that can keep me hooked in a series as long as this one.
And this is a second chance romance with mixed secret baby. I was in my happy space reading thank you very much.
Her heroes are just great. Sexy, hot, alphas and immortal (because these are the type of men who need to live forever). Her heroes are super cool that I want to be them. wohoo!
And it was no different for Max and Seraphina. they were great together and the emotions that coursed through them were vividly felt by anyone reading the story. This is my goal and trust me it was Goal reached.
Amazing book!
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