Saturday, 30 January 2016

Review: Rock Me

Rock Me Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

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Where was I two years ago when this book was being published? I can’t believe it took me this long to find it and read because one word people, AMAZING! Yes it was amazing and so good.

Cherrie Lynn this might be the first book you’ve written that I am reading but girl you got me hooked. Rock me hooked me completely from page one to the very last page and it was so refreshingly good that I felt every emotion that was blazed in the book.

Rock me is the story of two people I have come to love very much, that is Brian and Candace. This couple was certainly the best and fit for each other. Candace who feels rebellious ion he birthday decides to get a tattoo, and she knows she can only go through with it if Brian (her cousin’s ex) is the one who does it. The story basically begins there

And it escalates from a good beginning to the best ever everything. The author has done a great job of explain everything hence I ended up feeling what the characters were feeling..Heck! I got shivers reading this and for me this usually means the book is of the best quality.

“-Do you love this girl ?
-I’m fucking crazy about her.
-Fucking crazy I’ve gathered. But I asked if you love her. I’m talking true, enduring, unconditional, hold-her-hair-while-she’s-pucking-from-the-morning-sickness love.”

If this book was a a spiced up food then it would be my pleasure to tell the chef that it is amongst the best I have ever read.

Now, Dear Brian,
I want you to know that you made me question some things and I Loved and still love the way you love Candace. I am horrified to say that I am extremely jealous nevertheless if you choose to leave her, I will be here waiting for you.
Sincerely, me.

Dear Candace,
You are the luckiest girl in the world, let me just say that and my good *** what I would do to be in your shoes! To hear a man say the things Brian said. Mh, lucky girl!
Sincerely me again.

I recommend this book to everyone who loves a good romance book that will leave you craving for more from this author like I am at the moment. I also loved the side romance of ghost and Macy, woohoo I hear the next book in the series is theirs, can’t wait to get it on my hands.

4.5 stars and loving it beyond words!!!
For more reviews visit Dedicated Readers

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